Chinese Medicine
A major form of alternative health care, Chinese herbs have been used for the treatment of various conditions for many centuries. Oriental Medicine and herbal therapies go back to the model of treating the root cause of disease rather than just the symptoms.
What to Expect
At Avanti Acupuncture and Wellness Center, the patient’s health condition is carefully analyzed, and then, if needed, the most appropriate herbal prescription is selected for the individual. Only the highest quality of herbs in tincture form, tea pills, and teas are used to ensure safety, potency, and efficacy. The herbs at the center are ordered from trusted American manufacturers with a long and respected track record.
We are selective in our manufacturers in order to ensure that the herbs we prescribe are at their highest potency and are safe for the consumer. After obtaining a comprehensive medical intake and discussing any past or present conditions, allergies, and symptoms, Dr. Laddu will craft a unique formula tailored specifically to your individual needs and instruct you on frequency, quantity, and answer any questions you may have.
Some benefits of this natural therapy:

Herbal therapy is able to treat multiple conditions at once due to the mixture of various herbs

Chinese herbs are completely customized to the patient, no two formulas are the same

Non invasive; herbs present an opportunity for complementary and alternative medicine that is safe and needle free.

It is a very cost-effective natural therapy

Traditional Eastern medicine may help to reduce or eliminate the need for prescription medication, but this should be further discussed with your medical doctor.

There are no serious side effects

Chinese herbs can be taken with existing medications (with very few exceptions) making herbal therapy a great complementary medicine.

Herbal formulas have a variety of roles. Some aid in balancing hormones thereby helping individuals with infertility, peri- menopausal, menopausal, and post- menopausal issues.
Some benefits of this natural therapy:

Herbal therapy is able to treat multiple conditions at once due to the mixture of various herbs

Chinese herbs are completely customized to the patient, no two formulas are the same

Non invasive; herbs present an opportunity for complementary and alternative medicine that is safe and needle free.

It is a very cost-effective natural therapy

Traditional Eastern medicine may help to reduce or eliminate the need for prescription medication, but this should be further discussed with your medical doctor.

There are no serious side effects

Chinese herbs can be taken with existing medications (with very few exceptions) making herbal therapy a great complementary medicine.

Herbal formulas have a variety of roles. Some aid in balancing hormones thereby helping individuals with infertility, peri- menopausal, menopausal, and post- menopausal issues.
Moxibustion and Heat Therapy
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy which involves the use of the herb Mugwort. Mugwort, with its many therapeutic properties, can be used in different forms. One example is that Mugwort is shaped into a cigar-shaped stick and then burned to release heat and healing properties. This stick is then used indirectly on the skin.
Hold on, Will it Burn?
Not to worry, at Avanti Acupuncture and Wellness Center we use indirect moxibustion, where the stick is held about an inch away from the skin until it becomes warm and red, then it’s moved. You won’t feel a burning sensation, just a warmth similar to that of a sunny day.
So Who, and How, Does That Help?
Holistic therapeutic professionals say that Moxibustion works through increasing the flow of energy throughout the body (utilizing meridians, much like acupuncture). However, this alternative therapy is also backed by research. One study found that moxibustion had a significant effect on reducing serum creatinine, a blood compound that is responsible for kidney disease, making it an extremely effective treatment for chronic kidney disease.
In addition, Moxibustion is claimed to be beneficial against cold and dampness in the body and has also been used to turn breech babies. One study even found that moxibustion effectively reduced the frequency and the severity of hot flashes in a group of menopausal women!
Dr. Laddu would be happy to discuss moxibustion with you at your next appointment, and the potential benefits it could have for you.