Refle-What? Acu-What?
Reflexology is a form of pressure point massage on the feet which addresses body systems, which in turn, can be therapeutic and relaxing. Sessions of reflexology can be booked at Avanti Acupuncture and Wellness Center. Think of it as a Traditional Chinese Medicine therapeutic foot massage with healing properties.
Acupressure is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine which involves the stimulation of acupuncture points with finger pressure. This is a needleless therapy that is ideal for children. It is safe and effective for many conditions, including relief of symptoms of cold, flu, arthritis, constipation, and poor circulation. Acupressure is also offered at Avanti Acupuncture and Wellness Center.
How Do These Therapies Work?
There is no one theory on how Reflexology works, there are actually several. One theory is that it works with the Central Nervous System (CNS) by sending a calming signal from the extremities where the pressure is applied to the CNS through peripheral nerves. This creates a state of relaxation, increases blood supply/flow, and enhances oxygen supply and waste removal to/from cells. Additional theories include the neuro matrix theory of pain that postulates that things that influence your brain can also affect your experience of pain, and that therefore reflexology reduces pain by reducing stress and improving your mood. Finally, there are the two similar theories that depend on pathways and zones in the body; reflexology aids in removing blockages and improving the flow of Qi in your body along the meridians, and the Zone Theory that assigns every organ/muscle/part of your body to a zone that can be accessed via the hand reflexology or foot reflexology. Incorporating reflexology massage into your current treatment plan is a cost effective and needle-less way of involving the theory of Qi in your wellness.
Acupressure is an alternative therapy that also is based on the theory of Qi (much like it’s similarly named counterpart; acupuncture). Acupressure is a non-invasive form of traditional Chinese Medicine that is needle free and relies solely on applying pressure to the skin (more specifically acupoints on the body’s meridians). While acupressure is similar to reflexology, it involves the entire body. A common way of incorporating this modality into your treatment plan is via an acupressure massage.

What to Expect
Vaishali Laddu, A.P., has extensive knowledge of massage, and although she has decided to retire her massage license, she practices under the scope of her acupuncture license and offers therapies within acupressure and Tui Na massage (a form of traditional Chinese Medicine therapeutic body work). She has received additional training in Reflexology for relaxation with the Academy of Ancient Reflexology.
When you first come in to see us for your acupressure or reflexology appointment, we will conduct a thorough intake as well as determine the purpose of the session in order to emphasize the correct reflex points on the body. Acupressure for headaches is a hugely popular request/recommendation, as it stimulates the nerve pathways and encourages the body to heal itself.
The foundational principle of these therapies is that the practitioner isn’t creating the healing, the therapy aids the body in healing itself and easing pain.
Some key benefits of these holistic therapies include:
- Stress relief
- Enhanced sleep
- Pain relief
- Non-Invasive treatment (no needles!)
- Cost Effective
- Ideal for beginners or children
Is it Right for You?
As with every therapy that we offer at Avanti Acupuncture, the best way to decide if something is right for you is to come in and talk to us about it! Dr. Laddu can walk you through the pros and cons as they relate to your needs, what to expect, and make recommendations on the best mix of therapies for your body.
Acupressure has been linked to several benefits for numerous conditions. Notably, a systematic review by Kunz and Kunz (2008) summarized over 150 studies and abstracts from journals and meetings all over the world and concluded several key findings:

It does indeed impact specific organs-some research showed increased blood flow to organs like kidneys or intestines.

It promotes relaxation-this is backed by unbiased data such as EEG and blood pressure measurements.

It decreases pain-several studies showed positive outcomes in regards to pain among a wide variety of conditions such as kidney stones for example.
In other words, the question of if it’s right for you can probably only be answered by you and your medical team, and by trying it! It’s likely that those who have chronic pain or suffer from anxiety/stress may see the greatest benefits.
Acupressure has been linked to several benefits for numerous conditions. Notably, a systematic review by Kunz and Kunz (2008) summarized over 150 studies and abstracts from journals and meetings all over the world and concluded several key findings:

It does indeed impact specific organs-some research showed increased blood flow to organs like kidneys or intestines.

It promotes relaxation-this is backed by unbiased data such as EEG and blood pressure measurements.

It decreases pain-several studies showed positive outcomes in regards to pain among a wide variety of conditions such as kidney stones for example.
In other words, the question of if it’s right for you can probably only be answered by you and your medical team, and by trying it! It’s likely that those who have chronic pain or suffer from anxiety/stress may see the greatest benefits.